The Single Bev­el Scam

The Single Bev­el Scam

     “Then came the gad­geteer, oth­er­wise known as the sport­ing-goods deal­er. Hehas draped the Amer­i­can out­doors man with an in­fin­i­ty of con­trap­tions, all of­fered as aids to self-re­liance, hardi­hood, wood­craft, or marks­man­ship, but too...
Chips make a pile

Chips make a pile

     My ear­li­est mem­o­ries of child­hood are filled with sun­ny days out­side, al­ways outside.     Warm hu­mid nights upon the wa­­ways on the wa­ter.      Fee­ble at­tempts at sleep on the floor of...
Pick a spot...but which spot?

Pick a spot...but which spot?

Pick a spot...but which spot?      I see so many dif­fer­ent “schools, cour­ses, or class­es” late­ly tout­ing their abil­i­ty to make you a bet­ter hunter, archer, etc. While I’m sure there are many great...
The Best Just Got Better

The Best Just Got Better

The Best Just Got Better      In June of 2019, I de­signed a glue-in or screw-in style broad­head sys­tem that had an ex­tend­ed shank with the goal of achiev­ing max­i­mum dura­bil­i­ty and con­cen­tric­i­ty when...
The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?

The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?

The Best 5mm Arrow Yet?     Among the many re­quests we re­ceive for new prod­ucts, a lighter 5mm shaft is by far the most highly requested. While we still firm­ly be­lieve that our HD...
Failing to plan is plan­ning to fail

Failing to plan is plan­ning to fail

     As we be­gin to get back to nor­mal around here and re­cov­er from the mad August rush, I would be re­miss if I didn’t share this les­son. It’s go­ing to be a lit­tle...
The Foun­da­tion Of It All

The Foun­da­tion Of It All

     Dai­ly we re­ceive emails from peo­ple look­ing for ad­vice on ar­row set up, broad-head choice, or just gen­er­al bow tun­ing ques­tions. We are hap­py to help re­gard­less of whether they buy any­thing or...
The Art of Arrow Flight

The Art of Arrow Flight

     For most archery hunters, the quest for max­i­mum pen­e­tra­tion is nev­er end­ing. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, many feel that goal can be achieved by sim­ply pur­chas­ing the “latest and great­est” piece of kit for their bow...
The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly

     It al­ways amazes me how many of our cus­tomers can’t sharp­en a knife. When we get ques­tions re­gard­ing the best way to re-sharp­en our broad­heads, my ini­tial re­ply is, “if you can sharp­en...